Eat To Perform Blog

Managing Your Weight Along the Way is Part of the Process

Yesterday I was going through pictures and even though I am fit, even though I have lost massive amounts of weight and gained massive amounts of muscle I am not above being critical of myself.

Actually I am mostly critical of all these people that take pictures UP, haven’t we all figured out, because of selfies, that top down is better?

My wife has a saying and it goes like this “I am 53 years old for Christ’s sake” and you know what, she is right.

So I have started to make peace with camera angles but the other thing I need to make peace with is this (and this is something that many of us struggle with)


As you are probably aware from following this page for some time the more you diet, the worse you get at dieting.

So that means there will be times where you won’t have a chiseled jawline or your 4 pack becomes a no pack.

And that needs to be OK. That needs to be part of the process.

The biggest issue with already fit people is that they can’t allow themselves to NOT be fit all the time. The best ones that do it the most right often struggle with this fact.

We need to collectively just get over it.

Lastly, I know it will be tempting to just try to go the rest of the way but if you have lost a lot of weight one of the biggest things that we see that causes failure is trying to extend that to go for more.

You would be MUCH better off, resetting and letting food come back to decide whether it’s worth it or not. The leanest I have ever been was at 8% at 149. Comparatively I am about 15% at 190 right now. The sacrifice required might not be worth it in the long run.

But it also might be. What you don’t want to do is make that decision with bad information. The reset allows you to get your right mind back because your dieting mind doesn’t tell you the truth, lol.

If you need help with some of this stuff along with a better approach, click the link below to talk to a coach

Even the programs that reverse don’t do a good job because they cave to the fear of their clients or they let AI (artificial intelligence) do the work.



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Paul Nobles Jr
Apr 28, 2022

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