
Real Eat to Perform members share their untouched before photos as well as their afters to show you just how far they’ve come on their "less dieting, more living" journey.

Amanda, 38

"If you had told me 10 years ago I’d be so much happier and content with myself 20 pounds heavier, I never would’ve believed you. But today I am so thankful for a completely different mindset (thanks ETP!) that allows me to have energy to do all the things I want to do at the beach with my 4 beautiful babes!"

Jeffrey, 36

"11 months apart had to get a new suit (44R to 44 slim) ! The real cost to ETP is the money I spend on clothes as I shrink!!!!!!"

Angy, 36

"Officially down 39 pounds since joining ETP in June. No approach has ever left me feeling like this, like I have a strategy for health and balance and flexibility and life."

"I have been out of FL for a year now. Still up 8lbs from my lowest, leanest point. The gains in strength and power are unmistakable.

The scale is but ONE tool and it doesn’t tell the whole story. If you allow it to keep you imprisoned to a specific weight, you will never reach your long term goal. A number on the scale should NOT be what drives you. A size on a tag in your clothes should NOT be what drives you.

Lastly, if your goal is weight loss and to be toned… you probably should hop on this path too. It will get you there faster." - Sarah H.

"I finished my last fat loss cycle at my lowest weight yet and hit a milestone weight loss that I never imagined happening...the 100lb loss mark!! I am beyond ecstatic to know I will be hitting this achievement so soon."

Dani B.

"I am more fit and stronger at 52 than I ever was at any other age. I no longer live by the scale and I have to say I look and feel damned good, not just good for my age. This is all thanks to ETP!!!"

Allison B.

"I have accomplished more than I ever expected in 6 months and really more than the 2 years prior. The difference to me is having a coach by my side and having set time periods for phases of deficits. They know their stuff at ETP and I’m so thankful I did it!"

Erin C.

"I will NEVER diet the quick fix way again. This program is food freedom! I’ve stopped the hair loss, I no longer have blood sugar swings, I’m stronger than ever in the gym, eat whatever the heck I want, put on muscle with minimal fat."

Laurie H.

"Started at about 154 and ended at 148.  Def happy with the progress. Was really only looking to get back under 150 as my summer shorts were getting a bit snug but for me, its never really about the number on the scale as more as its the changes in my body.  Just to give you a bit of reference, I've been as high as about 158 and as low as 138 in my journey here in ETP and I've loved my body at all weights." - Stephanie B

"I feel stronger at 40 years old than ever in my entire life. For probably the first time ever, I feel at home in my own body.  The best part is that our boys (7 and 9) love checking out and feeling my muscles. I’d like to continue to impress them for the rest of their lives!"

Julie M.

"I wish I had joined 10 years ago. My mental struggles with eating and exercise are now starting to heal by being with ETP."

Pia H.

"ETP has completely changed the way I use, consume and view food. This is the only eating plan that I have been able to do for long term."

Erin O.

"I am in better shape now at age 60 than I have ever been in my life. I'm eating more calories than I ever have, building muscle and "exercising to get better at exercise"!"

Shelly T.

"After 7-8 months I’m down ~30lbs and my body—she loves the way she feels!"

Jessica C.

"I’m eating 1800 cal on my LOW day. And weight stable - fluctuating 1-2#.  Never been happier, and healthier. Just got my annual blood work back… amazing changes there too."

Allison G.

"Really enjoying this journey so far. Eating more, performing better, getting stronger, while getting leaner. Blows my mind."

Richard P.

"For me the biggest change is the change in mindset. I went from worrying about the scale and how I look to worrying if I am fueled enough. Much much better relationship with food."

Elena P.

"I am 56 and joined ETP in July 2020. My energy, strength and stamina went through the roof! An added benefit is that my weight dropped and I'm wearing my "skinny clothes"."

Andrea R.

"I started ETP and within 4 weeks people would start commenting on how my body was changing, my muscles were starting to show up, my shape had started to change."

Mariella D.

"I can proudly say that I’ve never been stronger. Not just absolute strength, but strength endurance, stamina, stability, and quality of movement."

Lucinda M.

"ETP has truly changed my life. I joined in September of 2021 after being stuck at a weight loss plateau for months. In 6 weeks, after not losing weight in months on my own, I lost 10lbs."

Jana P.

"I came from a long history of deprivation and using food as both reward and punishment. ETP has taught me how to have a healthy relationship with food and how to fuel my body properly."

Karie T.

"I love this program! I am 52 years old down 10 lbs from where I started both 2020 and 2021!"

Rachel H.

"Started at 180 lbs and today I am at 161.4 lbs. Thank you for changing my life, the most balanced and appreciation for food and what it can do for me. A complete mind shift."

Michelle T.

"I have found SO much freedom in ditching the diet myths about not eating after dinner and avoiding carbs at all costs. I managed to lose 20 lbs last year."

Charlene S.

"I never would’ve thought my body composition would change in a year and I will say a lot has changed mentally ~ a total change of mindset, confidence and feeling of self worth!"

Kristen B.

"I've tried many diets over the years and seen my weight fluctuate up and down multiple times as a result. From eating 1000 calories a day to keto. I lost 97 lbs. I'm in the best shape of my life. Thanks to ETP - my coaches and the community included!"

Sheree M.

"For the first time in my life, I feel satisfied with food. I’ve stopped categorizing food into “good” vs. “bad” and know if I ever get off track, I have a coach, a plan and a community to support me!"

Lauren C.

"So happy with the changes that I’ve seen not only physically, but also mentally. I’ve gained so much energy from the increase in food as I was under eating most days before starting ETP. "

Tamaca H.

"I spent 2 years spinning my wheels. I spent 2 years eating 12-1300 calories with zero progress. I spent 2 years having terrible digestive issues and sleep issues. Then I found ETP. I am currently in PR. My weight is trending down and I am eating waaaaaay more food than I have ever eaten before."

Wendy D.

"I am a smidge over 45 lbs down since joining ETP. This is the first program that EVER addressed what to do ‘after’ the weight was lost! As a 60 year old, post menopausal lady, I feel the healthiest I have felt in MANY years, and food has become my friend!"

Irene S.

"So happy with the changes that I’ve seen not only physically, but also mentally. I’ve gained so much energy from the increase in food as I was under eating most days before starting ETP. "

"So happy with the changes that I’ve seen not only physically, but also mentally. I’ve gained so much energy from the increase in food as I was under eating most days before starting ETP. "


Tamaca H.

"I spent 2 years spinning my wheels. I spent 2 years eating 12-1300 calories with zero progress. I spent 2 years having terrible digestive issues and sleep issues. Then I found ETP. I am currently in PR. My weight is trending down and I am eating waaaaaay more food than I have ever eaten before."

"I spent 2 years spinning my wheels. I spent 2 years eating 12-1300 calories with zero progress. I spent 2 years having terrible digestive issues and sleep issues. Then I found ETP. I am currently in PR. My weight is trending down and I am eating waaaaaay more food than I have ever eaten before."


Wendy D.

"I am a smidge over 45 lbs down since joining ETP. This is the first program that EVER addressed what to do ‘after’ the weight was lost! As a 60 year old, post menopausal lady, I feel the healthiest I have felt in MANY years, and food has become my friend!"

"I am a smidge over 45 lbs down since joining ETP. This is the first program that EVER addressed what to do ‘after’ the weight was lost! As a 60 year old, post menopausal lady, I feel the healthiest I have felt in MANY years, and food has become my friend!"


Irene S.

"I have been out of FL for a year now. Still up 8lbs from my lowest, leanest point. The gains in strength and power are unmistakable.

The scale is but ONE tool and it doesn’t tell the whole story. If you allow it to keep you imprisoned to a specific weight, you will never reach your long term goal. A number on the scale should NOT be what drives you. A size on a tag in your clothes should NOT be what drives you.

Lastly, if your goal is weight loss and to be toned… you probably should hop on this path too. It will get you there faster."

"I have been out of FL for a year now. Still up 8lbs from my lowest, leanest point. The gains in strength and power are unmistakable.

The scale is but ONE tool and it doesn’t tell the whole story. If you allow it to keep you imprisoned to a specific weight, you will never reach your long term goal. A number on the scale should NOT be what drives you. A size on a tag in your clothes should NOT be what drives you.

Lastly, if your goal is weight loss and to be toned… you probably should hop on this path too. It will get you there faster."


Sarah H

"I finished my last fat loss cycle at my lowest weight yet and hit a milestone weight loss that I never imagined happening...the 100lb loss mark!! I am beyond ecstatic to know I will be hitting this achievement so soon."

"I finished my last fat loss cycle at my lowest weight yet and hit a milestone weight loss that I never imagined happening...the 100lb loss mark!! I am beyond ecstatic to know I will be hitting this achievement so soon."


Dani B.

"I am more fit and stronger at 52 than I ever was at any other age. I no longer live by the scale and I have to say I look and feel damned good, not just good for my age. This is all thanks to ETP!!!"

"I am more fit and stronger at 52 than I ever was at any other age. I no longer live by the scale and I have to say I look and feel damned good, not just good for my age. This is all thanks to ETP!!!"


Allison B.

"I have accomplished more than I ever expected in 6 months and really more than the 2 years prior. The difference to me is having a coach by my side and having set time periods for phases of deficits. They know their stuff at ETP and I’m so thankful I did it!"

"I have accomplished more than I ever expected in 6 months and really more than the 2 years prior. The difference to me is having a coach by my side and having set time periods for phases of deficits. They know their stuff at ETP and I’m so thankful I did it!"


Erin C.

"I will NEVER diet the quick fix way again. This program is food freedom! I’ve stopped the hair loss, I no longer have blood sugar swings, I’m stronger than ever in the gym, eat whatever the heck I want, put on muscle with minimal fat."

"I will NEVER diet the quick fix way again. This program is food freedom! I’ve stopped the hair loss, I no longer have blood sugar swings, I’m stronger than ever in the gym, eat whatever the heck I want, put on muscle with minimal fat."


Laurie H.

"Started at about 154 and ended at 148. Def happy with the progress. Was really only looking to get back under 150 as my summer shorts were getting a bit snug but for me, its never really about the number on the scale as more as its the changes in my body. Just to give you a bit of reference, I've been as high as about 158 and as low as 138 in my journey here in ETP and I've loved my body at all weights."

"Started at about 154 and ended at 148. Def happy with the progress. Was really only looking to get back under 150 as my summer shorts were getting a bit snug but for me, its never really about the number on the scale as more as its the changes in my body. Just to give you a bit of reference, I've been as high as about 158 and as low as 138 in my journey here in ETP and I've loved my body at all weights."


Stephanie B.

"I feel stronger at 40 years old than ever in my entire life. For probably the first time ever, I feel at home in my own body. The best part is that our boys (7 and 9) love checking out and feeling my muscles. I’d like to continue to impress them for the rest of their lives!"

"I feel stronger at 40 years old than ever in my entire life. For probably the first time ever, I feel at home in my own body. The best part is that our boys (7 and 9) love checking out and feeling my muscles. I’d like to continue to impress them for the rest of their lives!"


Julie M.

"I wish I had joined 10 years ago. My mental struggles with eating and exercise are now starting to heal by being with ETP."

"I wish I had joined 10 years ago. My mental struggles with eating and exercise are now starting to heal by being with ETP."


Pia H.

"ETP has completely changed the way I use, consume and view food. This is the only eating plan that I have been able to do for long term."

"ETP has completely changed the way I use, consume and view food. This is the only eating plan that I have been able to do for long term."


Erin O.

"I am in better shape now at age 60 than I have ever been in my life. I'm eating more calories than I ever have, building muscle and "exercising to get better at exercise"

"I am in better shape now at age 60 than I have ever been in my life. I'm eating more calories than I ever have, building muscle and "exercising to get better at exercise"


Shelly T.

"Really enjoying this journey so far. Eating more, performing better, getting stronger, while getting leaner. Blows my mind."

Richard P.

"Really enjoying this journey so far. Eating more, performing better, getting stronger, while getting leaner. Blows my mind."


Richard P.

"For me the biggest change is the change in mindset. I went from worrying about the scale and how I look to worrying if I am fueled enough. Much much better relationship with food."

Elena P.

"For me the biggest change is the change in mindset. I went from worrying about the scale and how I look to worrying if I am fueled enough. Much much better relationship with food."


Elena P.

"I am 56 and joined ETP in July 2020. My energy, strength and stamina went through the roof! An added benefit is that my weight dropped and I'm wearing my "skinny clothes"."

Andrea R.

"I am 56 and joined ETP in July 2020. My energy, strength and stamina went through the roof! An added benefit is that my weight dropped and I'm wearing my "skinny clothes"."


Andrea R.

"I started ETP and within 4 weeks people would start commenting on how my body was changing, my muscles were starting to show up, my shape had started to change."

Mariella D.

"I started ETP and within 4 weeks people would start commenting on how my body was changing, my muscles were starting to show up, my shape had started to change."


Mariella D.

"I can proudly say that I’ve never been stronger. Not just absolute strength, but strength endurance, stamina, stability, and quality of movement."

Lucinda M.

"I can proudly say that I’ve never been stronger. Not just absolute strength, but strength endurance, stamina, stability, and quality of movement."


Lucinda M.

"ETP has truly changed my life. I joined in September of 2021 after being stuck at a weight loss plateau for months. In 6 weeks, after not losing weight in months on my own, I lost 10lbs."

Jana P.

"ETP has truly changed my life. I joined in September of 2021 after being stuck at a weight loss plateau for months. In 6 weeks, after not losing weight in months on my own, I lost 10lbs."


Jana P.

"I came from a long history of deprivation and using food as both reward and punishment. ETP has taught me how to have a healthy relationship with food and how to fuel my body properly."

Karie T.

"I came from a long history of deprivation and using food as both reward and punishment. ETP has taught me how to have a healthy relationship with food and how to fuel my body properly."


Karie T.

"I love this program! I am 52 years old down 10 lbs from where I started both 2020 and 2021!"

Rachel H.

"I love this program! I am 52 years old down 10 lbs from where I started both 2020 and 2021!"


Rachel H.

"Started at 180 lbs and today I am at 161.4 lbs. Thank you for changing my life, the most balanced and appreciation for food and what it can do for me. A complete mind shift."

Michelle T.

"Started at 180 lbs and today I am at 161.4 lbs. Thank you for changing my life, the most balanced and appreciation for food and what it can do for me. A complete mind shift."


Michelle T.

"I have found SO much freedom in ditching the diet myths about not eating after dinner and avoiding carbs at all costs. I managed to lose 20 lbs last year."

Charlene S.

"I have found SO much freedom in ditching the diet myths about not eating after dinner and avoiding carbs at all costs. I managed to lose 20 lbs last year."


Charlene S.

"I never would’ve thought my body composition would change in a year and I will say a lot has changed mentally ~ a total change of mindset, confidence and feeling of self worth!"

Kristen B.

"I never would’ve thought my body composition would change in a year and I will say a lot has changed mentally ~ a total change of mindset, confidence and feeling of self worth!"


Kristen B.

"I've tried many diets over the years and seen my weight fluctuate up and down multiple times as a result. From eating 1000 calories a day to keto. I lost 97 lbs. I'm in the best shape of my life. Thanks to ETP - my coaches and the community included!"

Sheree M.

"I've tried many diets over the years and seen my weight fluctuate up and down multiple times as a result. From eating 1000 calories a day to keto. I lost 97 lbs. I'm in the best shape of my life. Thanks to ETP - my coaches and the community included!"


Sheree M.

"For the first time in my life, I feel satisfied with food. I’ve stopped categorizing food into “good” vs. “bad” and know if I ever get off track, I have a coach, a plan and a community to support me!"

Lauren C.

"For the first time in my life, I feel satisfied with food. I’ve stopped categorizing food into “good” vs. “bad” and know if I ever get off track, I have a coach, a plan and a community to support me!"


Lauren C.

"After 7-8 months I’m down ~30lbs and my body—she loves the way she feels!"

Jessica C.

"After 7-8 months I’m down ~30lbs and my body—she loves the way she feels!"


Jessica C.

"I’m eating 1800 cal on my LOW day. And weight stable - fluctuating 1-2#. Never been happier, and healthier. Just got my annual blood work back… amazing changes there too."

Allison G.

"I’m eating 1800 cal on my LOW day. And weight stable - fluctuating 1-2#. Never been happier, and healthier. Just got my annual blood work back… amazing changes there too."


Allison G.

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Case Studies

Does Eat To Perform work long term? Are the results sustainable? Watch these Case Studies with Eat To Perform Founder Paul Nobles as he shows you real members and their journey to results.

Chronic Dieter

Have you been dieting your whole life? Strategic cycles of dieting and diet breaks make a BIG difference. Watch how Wendy was stalled dieting and once we added calories back she lost 7 pounds!

"All or Nothing"

You have thing mostly right: you eat good, you make great choices and then the weekend hits, or a special event...and the wheels come off.
If you momentary lose weight but never really get all the way there, then this video is for you.

Over Consumer

Real probably know already that mixing in a salad might help. The question is how? And doing it in a way that will not just take away those extra 10 to 20 pounds...but allow you to make lasting progress that you can keep off. Find out exactly how in this video.


Get started for under $10 and enroll with Unlimited Meals Plans or Choose a Free Trial.

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