Eat To Perform Blog

Fat Loss Day 6 Observations

I am definitely in a groove. The single biggest problem that most people have related to eating less (well 2) is that they don’t log the food they eat the day or morning before they eat it and they have no time limit.

I know I am done in 5 weeks and 1 day. When you use weight as a goal things get frustrating fast.

Speaking of that, I am still only down 3 pounds, here is why (even though it’s the system I designed it does get frustrating):

With Eat To Perform the days vary, the concept is based on what is scientifically called metabolic flexibility. Basically you push your carbs around the days you are active and fewer carbs around the days you aren’t.

Friday was my SUPER day, in Eat To Perform world this is your highest calorie day so as you might imagine your weight ticks up a bit the following day.

THAT’S ON PURPOSE! It’s well known that if you just aren’t eating less all of the time you actually can lose more weight over time and be more comfortable throughout the cycle.

The following day we had a family hiking event (my wife has a huge family) and I had to improvise a caesar salad that I had to estimate on calories. While everyone was eating hamburgers and fries, it’s ok, I will be back soon.

Today is my second low day. If you are familiar with Eat To Perform my calories aren’t really low yet but LOW DAYS are low carb days. So today will be a big nut day and I might go and buy some super dark chocolate.

Probably the biggest change so far is the protein. If you ever look at the pictures we post it often doesn’t seem real, people post about 25 pounds loss and it looks like 40 or 50.

That’s the protein. When I intuitively eat more calories I tend to cut out powders and bars but even with meats, 6 ounces of cooked chicken is A LOT of chicken. I definitely have been eating less. So that will be a hole in my game that I work on once calories normalize so that when I go back to eating intuitively I will have better habits.

My workouts, PICKLEBALL BABY! It’s starting to get nice here so my wife and I practiced a bit outside with our new ball machine.

I have all my meals in my food log today and I have left a little spot for that chocolate.

I know things are going to get a bit tougher in the upcoming weeks but honestly. Even though I had to have my arm twisted, I am enjoying the challenge.

If you need a better approach to food our coaches can help. We provide one on one coaching (you can start with a Free Trial, Custom Meal Plan and make sure to ask about our weekly challenges) simply click the link below

You can also talk to a coach LIVE via the button on the bottom right of that page or messaging the page here during business hours

Even the programs that reverse don’t do a good job because they cave to the fear of their clients or they let AI (artificial intelligence) do the work.



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